25 Oct 2015 Code

In CSS: use pixels, not em

Precision over elegance

CSS provides several size units:

  • px pixels
  • % percentages
  • em relative to the font size
  • rem relative to the root font size
  • even unitless values (for line-height)

The most natural unit to use is pixels, especially for defining height and width, as it’s an absolute unit.

But relative units, like em, have their benefits as well.

How em works

em is relative to the current font-size value. So if your element has font-size: 12px, 1em equals 12px.

By defining your font-size, you can use em to define relative values for other properties:

  • margin
  • padding
  • height
  • width
  • etc.

rem acts exactly like em. The only difference is that while em refers to the element’s font-size value, rem refers to the root’s font-size, which is the <html> element.

By updating a single font-size value, you can update other properties:

.button {
  font-size: 16px;
  padding: 0.75em 1em;
CSS em size button
Changing font-size resizes the button proportionally

So you can simply define different button sizes by only altering the font-size:

.button--small {
  font-size: 12px;

.button--large {
  font-size: 20px;

Why you should use px, not em

Using em is a very elegant way to define both your text size and your layout. It keeps every element balanced and easily sizable. I’ve used it before. It’s a pain.

Fonts need precision to look sharp

Let’s say your default font-size is set to 16px. You have titles at 2rem and subtitles at 1.5rem. Fabulous! Your semantic hierarchy matches your visual one. If you were to change your default text size to 15px, you’d maintain that hierarchy.

But not all font sizes are equal… Considering the text of this website:

CSS fuzzy text
1.25rem is easy to set but imperfect

Even with bigger text, the problem is present:

CSS fuzzy title
Even a 1px difference is noticeable

Every font needs its own specific size

Another problem with em arises when you want to change the font family, because every font renders differently at each size:

CSS Cabin font
12px is easy to calculate but 13px looks better

Images need pixels

An image’s dimensions are set in pixels. If you want to vertically align its surrounding text precisely, you need to use a padding-top and a line-height in pixels:

CSS image alignment
This would require tricky calculations with em or rem

(My logo isn’t an image but it used to be, and they usually are anyway).

Borders need pixels

Let’s say you want your buttons and inputs to be 38px high. Having both equally sized allows to put them next to each other, like in Bootstrap 4:

em input button
Nicely grouped and aligned

How do you that with rem?

.form-control {
  border: .0625rem solid #ccc;
  border-radius: .25rem;
  font-size: 1rem;
  padding: .375rem .75rem;

All these calculations are based upon a font size of 16px. Now let’s say you have to change that value, like 15px, what happens?

em input button border gone
Where's my border??

Yep. The border is now set at 0.9375px, and just disappears, rightfully so.

You would think: “Why not use an inset box-shadow?”? Well box-shadow is not the solution:

  • every time you want to add a shadow, you need to redefine all other values
  • the shadow is not part of the box model
  • it can only be a single colour
  • you need 4 shadows if you want 4 different “border” colours

Vectors need pixels

Vector elements, like icon fonts need precise pixel values to render correctly.

The default font size for Font Awesome is 28px. If you need smaller icons, stick to 14px. Any other value would look terrible:

em Font Awesome
Only multiples of 7 please

Browsers zoom properly now

Browsers used to zoom in a page by simply increasing the font size, making the text bigger but keeping the layout set in pixels at its initial size. To prevent users from breaking the page when zooming in, you had to define a fluid layout, using em or rem.

But nowadays, browsers can simply zoom any layout proportionally. No need for em anymore.

Just use pixels

If you want sharp precise interfaces, stick to px:

  • you’ll avoid any cumbersome calculations that involve 4 decimals
  • just by looking at a CSS rule, you’ll know exactly how it will look like because there’s no dependency
  • preprocessors like Sass allow easy maintenance anyway: you can have global variables for sizes, or use mixins to define variations for your elements
  • you’ll be able to align different types of elements that each require their own font-size

You can still use em for things like letter-spacing, some margins, or any property that can be applied on different font-size values. But any reason to apply em everywhere is either outdated or futile.

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